The Vedic astrology is also known as Hindu or Indian astrology

The Vedic astrology is one of the ancient astrological disciplines.It originated in India in the pre-Vedic period. The studies are interconnectedto the pattern and position of the planets.They have an impact on an individual’s life.The motion of the planet such as the lunar phase pushes and pulls the water in the oceans and seas.

At the time of birth, the location of the planets maps the astrological horoscope of the person.Where some planets that are well-positioned will have a favorable outcome on the person’s life and some may have the opposite reaction. To balance this, there are many remedies that a person can try such as meditation, yoga, medications, wearing a specific gemstone, color therapy, prayer, mantras, rituals, food, herbs, etc.

Jyothisham allows a person to understand themselves and look at things from a new perspective that can help them make the appropriate decision in their lives.